writeBin(object, con)readBin(con, what, n )
con - 是要读取或写入二进制文件的连接对象。
object - 是要写入的二进制文件。
what - 是像字符,整数等的模式,代表要读取的字节。
n - 是从二进制文件读取的字节数。
#my first R program # Read the "mtcars" data frame as a csv file and store only the columns "cyl", "am" and "gear".write.table(mtcars, file = "mtcars.csv",row.names = FALSE, na = "", col.names = TRUE, sep = ",") # Store 5 records from the csv file as a new data frame.new.mtcars <- read.table("mtcars.csv",sep = ",",header = TRUE,nrows = 5) # Create a connection object to write the binary file using mode "wb".write.filename = file("D:/r_file/binmtcars.dat", "wb") # Write the column names of the data frame to the connection object.writeBin(colnames(new.mtcars), write.filename) # Write the records in each of the column to the file.writeBin(c(new.mtcars$cyl,new.mtcars$am,new.mtcars$gear), write.filename) # Close the file for writing so that it can be read by other program.close(write.filename)
运行上面的文件就会产生一个csv文件和一个dat二进制文件。这个dat文件将所有数据作为连续字节存储, 因此,我们将通过选择列名称和列值的适当值来读取它,如下:
#my first R program # Create a connection object to read the file in binary mode using "rb".read.filename <- file("D:/r_file/binmtcars.dat", "rb") # First read the column names. n = 3 as we have 3 columns.column.names <- readBin(read.filename, character(), n = 3) # Next read the column values. n = 18 as we have 3 column names and 15 values.read.filename <- file("D:/r_file/binmtcars.dat", "rb")bindata <- readBin(read.filename, integer(), n = 18) # Print the data.print(bindata) # Read the values from 4th byte to 8th byte which represents "cyl".cyldata = bindata[4:8]print(cyldata) # Read the values form 9th byte to 13th byte which represents "am".amdata = bindata[9:13]print(amdata) # Read the values form 9th byte to 13th byte which represents "gear".geardata = bindata[14:18]print(geardata) # Combine all the read values to a dat frame.finaldata = cbind(cyldata, amdata, geardata)colnames(finaldata) = column.namesprint(finaldata)
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