短信预约 -IT技能 免费直播动态提醒
#!/bin/bash# Modified following this issue: https://github.com/wbond/sublime_terminal/issues/89CD_CMD="cd "\\\"$(pwd)\\\"" && clear"if echo "$SHELL" | grep -E "/fish$" &> /dev/null; then CD_CMD="cd "\\\"$(pwd)\\\""; and clear"fiVERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion)OPEN_IN_TAB=0while [ "$1" != "" ]; do PARAM="$1" VALUE="$2" case "$PARAM" in --open-in-tab) OPEN_IN_TAB=1 ;; esac shiftdoneif (( $(expr $VERSION '<' 10.7) )); then RUNNING=$(osascript<<END tell application "System Events" count(processes whose name is "iTerm") end tellEND)else RUNNING=1fiif (( ! $RUNNING )); then osascript<<END tell application "iTerm" tell current window tell current session of (create tab with default profile) write text "$CD_CMD" end tell end tell activate end tellENDelse if (( $OPEN_IN_TAB )); then osascript &>/dev/null <<EOF tell application "iTerm" if (count of windows) = 0 then set theWindow to (create window with default profile) set theSession to current session of theWindow else set theWindow to current window tell current window set theTab to create tab with default profile set theSession to current session of theTab end tell end if tell theSession write text "$CD_CMD" end tell activate end tellEOF else osascript &>/dev/null <<EOF tell application "iTerm" tell (create window with default profile) tell the current session write text "$CD_CMD" end tell end tell activate end tellEOF fifi
记得这里的用户设置为(Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Terminal -> Settings-User)
{ "terminal": "iTerm.sh", "parameters": ["open_terminal_project_folder"]}
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