oracle 共享内存查看 ipcs命令详解
ipcs - provide information on ipc facilities DESCRIPTION ipcs provides information on the ipc facilities for which the calling process has read access. The -i option allows a specific resource id to be specified. Only information on this id will be printed. Resources may be specified as follows: -m shared memory segments -q message queues -s semaphore arrays -a all (this is the default) The output format may be specified as follows: -t time -p pid key栏中列出的信息是应用程序定义的键值,如果是私有对象的键值则为0,在这里我们定义键值为12345678,也就是输出的0x00bc614e(十六进制) 在上面的输出中,我们没有看到smem用到的共享内存有dest的状态,而此时我们用ipcrm -m 18874397手工删除该段共享内存时, |
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