MongoDB MMS部署文档(win agent)
直接复制黏贴一份官方的部署说明文档,已成功安装(win agent)
* README.txt
* mongommsinstall.bat
* mongommstinstall.ps1
* srvany.exe
* Expects a MMS/PyMongo compatible python version to be installed
* Expects pymongo to be installed
* Powershell version 2.0 (for windows service installation)
* Powershell script execution to be turned on
* The following instructions are to run MMS as a windows service
* More information can be found at
Install Prerequisites
* Install python 2.7.x using the Windows Installer. 64 bit installer is preferred.
* Install latest version of pymongo using the Windows Installer from pypi. Ensure
you pick the installer that corresponds to your python version and the type (32 bit or 64 bit).
Install Powershell 2.0
* If you do not have powershell 2.0 installed you would need to install it from
Enable Powershell Script Execution
* Open the Windows Powershell by right-clicking its icon in the Start bar and selecting Run as Administrator
* Type `Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned` and agree when prompted about changing the policy
Specifying a Proxy Server
If the MMS agent needs a proxy server to connect outside, specify it in the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable
as http://proxyservername:port
Sevice Installation
* The script reads python path from windows registry if not specified on command line
* If multiple python installations are present edit the bat file to specify the path of the python install to work
* Run mongommsinstall.bat from an administrator command window
* This will install the windows service and start it
* If you stop the windows service, the agent will stop
- Stop the "MongoDB MMS" windows service
- Run "sc delete mongomms"
More Information
- MMS Help
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