Python Hashmap/Dicti
Built-in Dictionary List Set Tuple 2D Array Bytes Class Console Convert Datetime Duplicates Error File Find If Lambda Len Lower Map Math Namedtuple None Random Re Slice Sort Split String Strip Sub Substring TypeWhile
Dictionary. A dictionary optimizes element lookups. It associates keys to values. Each key must have a value. Dictionaries are used in many programs.Instead:We can use the get() method with one or two arguments. This does not cause any annoying errors. It returns None.
Argument 1:The first argument to get() is the key you are testing. This argument is required.
Argument 2:The second, optional argument to get() is the default value. This is returned if the key is not found.
Based on: Python 3
Python program that gets values
plants = {}
# Add three key-value tuples to the dictionary.
plants["radish"] = 2
plants["squash"] = 4
plants["carrot"] = 7
# Get syntax 1.
# Get syntax 2.
print(plants.get("tuna", "no tuna found"))
no tuna found
Note:It is valid to assign a key to None. So get() can return None, but there is actually a None value in the dictionary.
Python program that causes KeyError
lookup = {"cat": 1, "dog": 2}
# The dictionary has no fish key!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\programs\", line 5, in <module>
KeyError: 'fish'
True:This keyword returns 1 (meaning true) if the key exists as part of a key-value tuple in the dictionary.
False:If the key does not exist, the in-keyword returns 0, indicating false. This is helpful in if-statements.
Python program that uses in
animals = {}
animals["monkey"] = 1
animals["tuna"] = 2
animals["giraffe"] = 4
# Use in.
if "tuna" in animals:
print("Has tuna")
print("No tuna")
# Use in on nonexistent key.
if "elephant" in animals:
print("Has elephant")
print("No elephant")
Has tuna
No elephant
Caution:The length returned for a dictionary does not separately consider keys and values. Each pair adds one to the length.
Python program that uses len on dictionary
animals = {"parrot": 2, "fish": 6}
# Use len built-in on animals.
print("Length:", len(animals))
Length: 2
Next:A dictionary of three key-value pairs is created. This dictionary could be used to store hit counts on a website's pages.
Views:We introduce two variables, named keys and values. These are not lists—but we can convert them to lists.
ConvertPython program that uses keys
hits = {"home": 125, "sitemap": 27, "about": 43}
keys = hits.keys()
values = hits.values()
dict_keys(['home', 'about', 'sitemap'])
dict_values([125, 43, 27])
But:Sometimes we need to sort keys. We invoke another method, sorted(), on the keys. This creates a sorted view.
Python program that sorts keys in dictionary
# Same as previous program.
hits = {"home": 124, "sitemap": 26, "about": 32}
# Sort the keys from the dictionary.
keys = sorted(hits.keys())
['about', 'home', 'sitemap']
Tip:With tuples, we can address the first element with an index of 0. The second element has an index of 1.
Program:The code uses a for-loop on the items() list. It uses the print() method with two arguments.
Python that uses items method
rents = {"apartment": 1000, "house": 1300}
# Convert to list of tuples.
rentItems = rents.items()
# Loop and display tuple items.
for rentItem in rentItems:
print("Place:", rentItem[0])
print("Cost:", rentItem[1])
Place: house
Cost: 1300
Place: apartment
Cost: 1000
Python error:
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Here:In this example, we use the identifier "k" for the key, and "v" for the value.
Python that unpacks items
# Create a dictionary.
data = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
# Loop over items and unpack each item.
for k, v in data.items():
# Display key and value.
print(k, v)
a 1
c 3
b 2
Items:We can call the items() method to get a list of tuples. No extra hash lookups will be needed to access values.
Here:The plant variable, in the for-loop, is the key. The value is not available—we would need plants.get(plant) to access it.
Python that loops over dictionary
plants = {"radish": 2, "squash": 4, "carrot": 7}
# Loop over dictionary directly.
# ... This only accesses keys.
for plant in plants:
Then:We remove the tuple with key "windows". When we display the dictionary, it now contains only two key-value pairs.
Python that uses del
systems = {"mac": 1, "windows": 5, "linux": 1}
# Remove key-value at "windows" key.
del systems["windows"]
# Display dictionary.
{'mac': 1, 'linux': 1}
Pets1, pets2:The pets2 dictionary has a different value for the dog key—it has the value "animal", not "canine".
Also:The pets2 dictionary contains a new key-value pair. In this pair the key is "parakeet" and the value is "bird".
Result:Existing values are replaced with new values that match. New values are added if no matches exist.
Python that uses update
# First dictionary.
pets1 = {"cat": "feline", "dog": "canine"}
# Second dictionary.
pets2 = {"dog": "animal", "parakeet": "bird"}
# Update first dictionary with second.
# Display both dictionaries.
{'parakeet': 'bird', 'dog': 'animal', 'cat': 'feline'}
{'dog': 'animal', 'parakeet': 'bird'}
Here:We create a copy of the original dictionary. We then modify values within the copy. The original is not affected.
Python that uses copy
original = {"box": 1, "cat": 2, "apple": 5}
# Create copy of dictionary.
modified = original.copy()
# Change copy only.
modified["cat"] = 200
modified["apple"] = 9
# Original is still the same.
{'box': 1, 'apple': 5, 'cat': 2}
{'box': 1, 'apple': 9, 'cat': 200}
Values:If you specify the second argument to fromdict(), each key has that value in the newly-created dictionary.
Python that uses fromkeys
# A list of keys.
keys = ["bird", "plant", "fish"]
# Create dictionary from keys.
d = dict.fromkeys(keys, 5)
# Display.
{'plant': 5, 'bird': 5, 'fish': 5}
Tip:This is a possible way to load a dictionary from disk. We can store (serialize) it as a list of pairs.
Python that uses dict built-in
# Create list of tuple pairs.
# ... These are key-value pairs.
pairs = [("cat", "meow"), ("dog", "bark"), ("bird", "chirp")]
# Convert list to dictionary.
lookup = dict(pairs)
# Test the dictionary.
And:Once the computation is done, it stores its result in a cache. In the cache, the argument is the key. And the result is the value.
And:If it has, it returns its cached—memoized—return value. No further computations need be done.
Note:If a function is only called once with the argument, memoization has no benefit. And with many arguments, it usually works poorly.
Version 1:This version uses a second argument to get(). It tests that against the result and then proceeds if the value was found.
Version 2:This version uses "in" and then a lookup. Twice as many lookups occur. But fewer statements are executed.
Python that benchmarks get
import time
# Input dictionary.
systems = {"mac": 1, "windows": 5, "linux": 1}
# Time 1.
# Get version.
i = 0
v = 0
x = 0
while i < 10000000:
x = systems.get("windows", -1)
if x != -1:
v = x
i += 1
# Time 2.
# In version.
i = 0
v = 0
while i < 10000000:
if "windows" in systems:
v = systems["windows"]
i += 1
# Time 3.
1345819701.155 (get = 3.90 s)
1345819703.453 (in = 2.30 s)
Version 1:This version loops over the keys of the dictionary with a while-loop. It then does an extra lookup to get the value.
Version 2:This version instead uses a list of tuples containing the keys and values. It actually does not touch the original dictionary.
But:Version 2 has the same effect—we access the keys and values. The cost of calling items() initially is not counted here.
Python that benchmarks loops
import time
data = {"michael": 1, "james": 1, "mary": 2, "dale": 5}
items = data.items()
# Version 1: get.
i = 0
while i < 10000000:
v = 0
for key in data:
v = data[key]
i += 1
# Version 2: items.
i = 0
while i < 10000000:
v = 0
for tuple in items:
v = tuple[1]
i += 1
1345602764.29 (version 1 = 14.88 s)
1345602777.68 (version 2 = 13.39 s)
So:The first time a letter is found, its frequency is set to 0 + 1, then 1 + 1. Get() has a default return.
Python that counts letter frequencies
# The first three letters are repeated.
letters = "abcabcdefghi"
frequencies = {}
for c in letters:
# If no key exists, get returns the value 0.
# ... We then add one to increase the frequency.
# ... So we start at 1 and progress to 2 and then 3.
frequencies[c] = frequencies.get(c, 0) + 1
for f in frequencies.items():
# Print the tuple pair.
('a', 2)
('c', 2)
('b', 2)
('e', 1)
('d', 1)
('g', 1)
('f', 1)
('i', 1)
('h', 1)
For a speedup, this integer is used to locate the data. This reduces search time. For programs with performance trouble, using a dictionary is often the initial path to optimization.
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