ORA-01189: file is from a different RESETLOGS than previous files ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理
ORA-01189: file is from a different RESETLOGS than previous files
Cause: In a CREATE CONTROLFILE command either this file or all previous files were backups from before the last RESETLOGS. This may also occur if this is a file that is offline and has been offline since before the last RESETLOGS.
Action: If the file was taken offline normal before the last RESETLOGS, and is still offline, omit it from the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. Rename and online the file after the database is open. Otherwise find the version of the mentioned file consistent with the rest of the datafiles and resubmit the command.
ORA-01189: 文件是从不同的RESETLOGS比之前的文件。
1. 首先确保你的重置日志签名正确。
2. 现在你可以将新的日志文件添加到控制文件中,使用ALTER DATABASE文件表里的子句。
3. 将你的更改的控制文件保存到一个有效的备份中。
4. restore控制文件 使用RMAN 并且开启你的实例。
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