import socket
import ssl
import datetime
def ssl_expiry_datetime(hostname):
ssl_date_fmt = r'%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z'
context = ssl.create_default_context()
conn = context.wrap_socket(
# 3 second timeout because Lambda has runtime limitations
conn.connect((hostname, 443))
ssl_info = conn.getpeercert()
# parse the string from the certificate into a Python datetime object
return datetime.datetime.strptime(ssl_info['notAfter'], ssl_date_fmt)
def ssl_valid_time_remaining(hostname):
"""Get the number of days left in a cert's lifetime."""
expires = ssl_expiry_datetime(hostname)
# "SSL cert for %s expires at %s",
# hostname, expires.isoformat()
return expires - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def ssl_expires_in(hostname, buffer_days=100):
"""Check if `hostname` SSL cert expires is within `buffer_days`.
Raises `AlreadyExpired` if the cert is past due
remaining = ssl_valid_time_remaining(hostname)
print remaining
# if the cert expires in less than two weeks, we should reissue it
if remaining < datetime.timedelta(days=0):
# cert has already expired - uhoh!
raise AlreadyExpired("Cert expired %s days ago" % remaining.days)
elif remaining < datetime.timedelta(days=buffer_days):
# expires sooner than the buffer
return True
# everything is fine
return False
print ssl_expires_in('www.aaa.com')
print ssl_expires_in('m.bbb.com')
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