ORA-16775: target standby database in broker operation has potential data loss ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理
ORA-16775: target standby database in broker operation has potential data loss
Cause: The target standby database specified for the broker operation did not have all the redo data from the primary database.
Action: Confirm that the redo transport service on the primary database is functioning correctly by checking its status using either Enterprise Manager or the DGMGRL CLI SHOW DATABASE command. Reissue the broker command once all redo data is available on the target standby database.
ORA-16775警告用户激活Data Guard_经纪器操作(使用如DGMGRL将STANDBY数据库从ADMINISTERED NO状态改为ADMINISTERED 状态)可能会出现数据丢失,通常是副本陈旧了。
(1)Recovering or reinstalling the standby instance.
(2)Restoring the files from the primary system to the standby system.
(3)Shutting down and restarting the primary database.
(4)Upgrading the standby database to the same patch level that primary is running.
(5)Activate the standby database in the broker.
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