ORA-00386: use_indirect_data_buffers not supported ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理
ORA-00386: use_indirect_data_buffers not supported
Cause: The system could not allocate sufficient memory to grow the cache to the specified size.
Action: Attempt a smaller increase in the value of the parameter.
ORA-00386 is an Oracle Database error code that indicates an error trying to use an invalid, unsupported, or non-existent parameter with the use_indirect_data_buffers option. This error occurs when attempting to use the parameter with an Oracle Database version prior to Oracle Database 12.2. The use_indirect_data_buffers option was introduced in Oracle Database 12.2, and is not supported in earlier versions.
Official Explanation:
Oracle Database ORA-00386: use_indirect_data_buffers not supported error is thrown when an SQL statement attempts to use the use_indirect_data_buffers parameter, which is only supported/available in Oracle Database version 12.2 or greater.
Common Cases:
The ORA-00386 is a common error when attempting to use Oracle Database features from newer versions (after 12.1) without the required compatibility. Modifying an application to support the use_indirect_data_buffers is the only way to prevent this error from occurring.
Normal Processing Steps:
The only way to prevent the ORA-00386 is ensure that your application and Oracle Database versions are compatible. To upgrade the Oracle Database version to 12.2 or later, please refer to the following steps:
1. Download the Oracle Database 12.2 or later software package
2. Install the software
3. Upgrade the existing Oracle Database instance(s)
4. Update your application to support the use_indirect_data_buffers if applicable
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