android 13 WMS/AMS系统开发-窗口层级相关DisplayArea,WindowContainer第二节
DisplayContent(Display display, RootWindowContainer root) { super(root.mWindowManager, "DisplayContent", FEATURE_ROOT); //ignore //实际调用这里surface相关图层配置,因为显示东西都需要Surfaceflinger configureSurfaces(pendingTransaction); //ignore } private void configureSurfaces(Transaction transaction) { //ignore if (mDisplayAreaPolicy == null) { // Setup the policy and build the display area hierarchy. // Build the hierarchy only after creating the surface so it is reparented correctly //实际调用这里进行DisplayArea构建 mDisplayAreaPolicy = mWmService.getDisplayAreaPolicyProvider().instantiate( mWmService, this , this , mImeWindowsContainer); }//ignore }
public DisplayAreaPolicy instantiate(WindowManagerService wmService, DisplayContent content, RootDisplayArea root, DisplayArea.Tokens imeContainer) { //创建特殊的TaskDisplayArea,这里我们前面讲过它是专门来装Activity相关的容器 final TaskDisplayArea defaultTaskDisplayArea = new TaskDisplayArea(content, wmService, "DefaultTaskDisplayArea", FEATURE_DEFAULT_TASK_CONTAINER); final List<TaskDisplayArea> tdaList = new ArrayList<>(); tdaList.add(defaultTaskDisplayArea); // Define the features that will be supported under the root of the whole logical // display. The policy will build the DisplayArea hierarchy based on this. final HierarchyBuilder rootHierarchy = new HierarchyBuilder(root); // Set the essential containers (even if the display doesn't support IME). //这里同时setImeContainer进行输入法直接容器设置 rootHierarchy.setImeContainer(imeContainer).setTaskDisplayAreas(tdaList); if (content.isTrusted()) {//主屏幕肯定进入,也是构成层级关键 // Only trusted display can have system decorations. configureTrustedHierarchyBuilder(rootHierarchy, wmService, content); } return new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder().setRootHierarchy(rootHierarchy).build(wmService); }
private void configureTrustedHierarchyBuilder(HierarchyBuilder rootHierarchy, WindowManagerService wmService, DisplayContent content) { // WindowedMagnification should be on the top so that there is only one surface // to be magnified. rootHierarchy.addFeature(new Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy, "WindowedMagnification", FEATURE_WINDOWED_MAGNIFICATION) .upTo(TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY) .except(TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY) // Make the DA dimmable so that the magnify window also mirrors the dim layer. .setNewDisplayAreaSupplier(DisplayArea.Dimmable::new) .build()); if (content.isDefaultDisplay) { // Only default display can have cutout. // See LocalDisplayAdapter.LocalDisplayDevice#getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked. rootHierarchy.addFeature(new Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy, "HideDisplayCutout", FEATURE_HIDE_DISPLAY_CUTOUT) .all() .except(TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL, TYPE_STATUS_BAR, TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SHADE) .build()) .addFeature(new Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy, "OneHanded", FEATURE_ONE_HANDED) .all() .except(TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL, TYPE_SECURE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY) .build()); } rootHierarchy .addFeature(new Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy, "FullscreenMagnification",FEATURE_FULLSCREEN_MAGNIFICATION).all().except(TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY, TYPE_INPUT_METHOD, TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG, TYPE_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY, TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL).build()) .addFeature(new Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy, "ImePlaceholder",FEATURE_IME_PLACEHOLDER).and(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD, TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG).build()); } }
static class Feature { private final String mName; private final int mId; private final boolean[] mWindowLayers; private final NewDisplayAreaSupplier mNewDisplayAreaSupplier; private Feature(String name, int id, boolean[] windowLayers, NewDisplayAreaSupplier newDisplayAreaSupplier) { mName = name; mId = id; mWindowLayers = windowLayers; mNewDisplayAreaSupplier = newDisplayAreaSupplier; } //注意这里排除36层 Feature build() { if (mExcludeRoundedCorner) { // Always put the rounded corner layer to the top most layer. mLayers[mPolicy.getMaxWindowLayer()] = false; } return new Feature(mName, mId, mLayers.clone(), mNewDisplayAreaSupplier); }
rootHierarchy.addFeature(new Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy, "WindowedMagnification", FEATURE_WINDOWED_MAGNIFICATION) .upTo(TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY) .except(TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY) // Make the DA dimmable so that the magnify window also mirrors the dim layer. .setNewDisplayAreaSupplier(DisplayArea.Dimmable::new) .build());//typeInclusive代表一个windowType,一般可以通过windowType获取对应的windowLayer,获取方法layerFromType,upTo代表逻辑就是把层级范围到typeInclusive Builder upTo(int typeInclusive) { final int max = layerFromType(typeInclusive, false); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { mLayers[i] = true; } set(typeInclusive, true); return this; } //简单说就是把人家types排除 Builder except(int... types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { int type = types[i]; set(type, false); } return this; } //留下types Builder and(int... types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { int type = types[i]; set(type, true); } return this; } private int layerFromType(int type, boolean internalWindows) { return mPolicy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(type, internalWindows); }
default int getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(int type, boolean canAddInternalSystemWindow, boolean roundedCornerOverlay) { // Always put the rounded corner layer to the top most. if (roundedCornerOverlay && canAddInternalSystemWindow) { return getMaxWindowLayer(); } if (type >= FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW && type <= LAST_APPLICATION_WINDOW) { return APPLICATION_LAYER; } switch (type) { case TYPE_WALLPAPER: // wallpaper is at the bottom, though the window manager may move it. return 1; case TYPE_PRESENTATION: case TYPE_PRIVATE_PRESENTATION: case TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER: case TYPE_QS_DIALOG: case TYPE_PHONE: return 3; case TYPE_SEARCH_BAR: return 4; case TYPE_INPUT_CONSUMER: return 5; case TYPE_SYSTEM_DIALOG: return 6; case TYPE_TOAST: // toasts and the plugged-in battery thing return 7; case TYPE_PRIORITY_PHONE: // SIM errors and unlock. Not sure if this really should be in a high layer. return 8; case TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT: // like the ANR / app crashed dialogs // Type is deprecated for non-system apps. For system apps, this type should be // in a higher layer than TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY. return canAddInternalSystemWindow ? 12 : 9; case TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY: return 11; case TYPE_INPUT_METHOD: // on-screen keyboards and other such input method user interfaces go here. return 13; case TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG: // on-screen keyboards and other such input method user interfaces go here. return 14; case TYPE_STATUS_BAR: return 15; case TYPE_STATUS_BAR_ADDITIONAL: return 16; case TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SHADE: return 17; case TYPE_STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL: return 18; case TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG: return 19; case TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION_STARTING: return 20; case TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION: // voice interaction layer should show above the lock screen. return 21; case TYPE_VOLUME_OVERLAY: // the on-screen volume indicator and controller shown when the user // changes the device volume return 22; case TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY: // the on-screen volume indicator and controller shown when the user // changes the device volume return canAddInternalSystemWindow ? 23 : 10; case TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR: // the navigation bar, if available, shows atop most things return 24; case TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL: // some panels (e.g. search) need to show on top of the navigation bar return 25; case TYPE_SCREENSHOT: // screenshot selection layer shouldn't go above system error, but it should cover // navigation bars at the very least. return 26; case TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR: // system-level error dialogs return canAddInternalSystemWindow ? 27 : 9; case TYPE_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY: // used to highlight the magnified portion of a display return 28; case TYPE_DISPLAY_OVERLAY: // used to simulate secondary display devices return 29; case TYPE_DRAG: // the drag layer: input for drag-and-drop is associated with this window, // which sits above all other focusable windows return 30; case TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_OVERLAY: // overlay put by accessibility services to intercept user interaction return 31; case TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY: return 32; case TYPE_SECURE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY: return 33; case TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS: return 34; case TYPE_POINTER: // the (mouse) pointer layer return 35; default: Slog.e("WindowManager", "Unknown window type: " + type); return 3; } }
Feature名字 层级情况
WindowedMagnification 0-31
HideDisplayCutout 0-14 16 18-23 26-35
OneHanded 0-23 26-32 34-35
FullscreenMagnification 0-12 15-23 26-27 29-31 33-35
ImePlaceholder 13-14
Result build(WindowManagerService wmService) { validate(); // Attach DA group roots to screen hierarchy before adding windows to group hierarchies.;//关键的进行build //ignore return new Result(wmService, mRootHierarchyBuilder.mRoot, displayAreaGroupRoots, mSelectRootForWindowFunc, mSelectTaskDisplayAreaFunc); }
private void build(@Nullable List<HierarchyBuilder> displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders) {//ignore PendingArea[] areaForLayer = new PendingArea[maxWindowLayerCount]; //搞默认的PendingArea作为root部分 final PendingArea root = new PendingArea(null, 0, null); //给areaForLayer填满都是默认new PendingArea(null, 0, null); Arrays.fill(areaForLayer, root); //创建features相关的树 // Create DisplayAreas to cover all defined features. final int size = mFeatures.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // Traverse the features with the order they are defined, so that the early defined // feature will be on the top in the hierarchy. final Feature feature = mFeatures.get(i); PendingArea featureArea = null; for (int layer = 0; layer < maxWindowLayerCount; layer++) { if (feature.mWindowLayers[layer]) { // This feature will be applied to this window layer. // // We need to find a DisplayArea for it: // We can reuse the existing one if it was created for this feature for the // previous layer AND the last feature that applied to the previous layer is // the same as the feature that applied to the current layer (so they are ok // to share the same parent DisplayArea). if (featureArea == null || featureArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer]) {// No suitable DisplayArea:// Create a new one under the previous area (as parent) for this layer.featureArea = new PendingArea(feature, layer, areaForLayer[layer]);areaForLayer[layer].mChildren.add(featureArea); } areaForLayer[layer] = featureArea; } else { // This feature won't be applied to this window layer. If it needs to be // applied to the next layer, we will need to create a new DisplayArea for // that. featureArea = null; } } }//创建叶子相关 // Create Tokens as leaf for every layer. PendingArea leafArea = null; int leafType = LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS; for (int layer = 0; layer < maxWindowLayerCount; layer++) { int type = typeOfLayer(policy, layer); // Check whether we can reuse the same Tokens with the previous layer. This happens // if the previous layer is the same type as the current layer AND there is no // feature that applies to only one of them. if (leafArea == null || leafArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer] || type != leafType) { // Create a new Tokens for this layer. leafArea = new PendingArea(null , layer, areaForLayer[layer]); areaForLayer[layer].mChildren.add(leafArea); leafType = type; if (leafType == LEAF_TYPE_TASK_CONTAINERS) { // We use the passed in TaskDisplayAreas for task container type of layer. // Skip creating Tokens even if there is no TDA. addTaskDisplayAreasToApplicationLayer(areaForLayer[layer]); addDisplayAreaGroupsToApplicationLayer(areaForLayer[layer], displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders); leafArea.mSkipTokens = true; } else if (leafType == LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS) { // We use the passed in ImeContainer for ime container type of layer. // Skip creating Tokens even if there is no ime container. leafArea.mExisting = mImeContainer; leafArea.mSkipTokens = true; } } leafArea.mMaxLayer = layer; } root.computeMaxLayer();//会计算出每个节点最大layer值 // We built a tree of PendingAreas above with all the necessary info to represent the // hierarchy, now create and attach real DisplayAreas to the root. root.instantiateChildren(mRoot, displayAreaForLayer, 0, featureAreas);//这里会对把PendingArea生成DisplayArea // Notify the root that we have finished attaching all the DisplayAreas. Cache all the // feature related collections there for fast access. mRoot.onHierarchyBuilt(mFeatures, displayAreaForLayer, featureAreas); }
// Create DisplayAreas to cover all defined features. final int size = mFeatures.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {//针对5个Feature进行遍历,按照add先后顺序,意味最先add在最顶层 // Traverse the features with the order they are defined, so that the early defined // feature will be on the top in the hierarchy. final Feature feature = mFeatures.get(i); PendingArea featureArea = null; for (int layer = 0; layer < maxWindowLayerCount; layer++) { if (feature.mWindowLayers[layer]) { // This feature will be applied to this window layer. // // We need to find a DisplayArea for it: // We can reuse the existing one if it was created for this feature for the // previous layer AND the last feature that applied to the previous layer is // the same as the feature that applied to the current layer (so they are ok // to share the same parent DisplayArea). //条件1:如果featureArea为空,一般每个Feature第一次进入都为null //条件2:如果featureArea不为空,featureArea的父节点不一样,即如果兄弟层级featureArea的父节点是同一个那就不需要新创建 if (featureArea == null || featureArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer]) {// No suitable DisplayArea:// Create a new one under the previous area (as parent) for this layer.featureArea = new PendingArea(feature, layer, areaForLayer[layer]);//以areaForLayer[layer]为父节点创建一个新的节点areaForLayer[layer].mChildren.add(featureArea);//老容器节点添加新节点 } areaForLayer[layer] = featureArea;//更新当前layer的容器节点变成新的PendingArea } else { // This feature won't be applied to this window layer. If it needs to be // applied to the next layer, we will need to create a new DisplayArea for // that. //如果这一层不支持显示,那么就把featureArea设置为null featureArea = null; } } }
Feature名字 层级情况
WindowedMagnification 0-31
HideDisplayCutout 0-14 16 18-23 26-35
OneHanded 0-23 26-32 34-35
FullscreenMagnification 0-12 15-23 26-27 29-31 33-35
ImePlaceholder 13-14
// Create Tokens as leaf for every layer. PendingArea leafArea = null; int leafType = LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS;//统一初始中为LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS for (int layer = 0; layer < maxWindowLayerCount; layer++) {//遍历36层 int type = typeOfLayer(policy, layer);//获取每层的type是什么 // Check whether we can reuse the same Tokens with the previous layer. This happens // if the previous layer is the same type as the current layer AND there is no // feature that applies to only one of them. //条件1针对leafArea空,或者leafArea本身不和这个layer共用一个父节点 //条件2针对属于TYPE_INPUT_METHOD APPLICATION_LAYER特殊处理 if (leafArea == null || leafArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer] || type != leafType) { // Create a new Tokens for this layer. //以下代码相应想给每一层都挂载一个PendingArea leafArea = new PendingArea(null , layer, areaForLayer[layer]);//创建新的PendingArea,并挂载到areaForLayer[layer]下面 areaForLayer[layer].mChildren.add(leafArea); leafType = type; if (leafType == LEAF_TYPE_TASK_CONTAINERS) { //APPLICATION_LAYER单独处理,就是前面设置过的TaskDisplayArea // We use the passed in TaskDisplayAreas for task container type of layer. // Skip creating Tokens even if there is no TDA. addTaskDisplayAreasToApplicationLayer(areaForLayer[layer]);//设置本身已经设置过的TaskDisplayArea单独处理 addDisplayAreaGroupsToApplicationLayer(areaForLayer[layer], displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders); leafArea.mSkipTokens = true;//设置跳过 } else if (leafType == LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS) { // We use the passed in ImeContainer for ime container type of layer. // Skip creating Tokens even if there is no ime container. leafArea.mExisting = mImeContainer;//设置本身已经设置过的mImeContainer leafArea.mSkipTokens = true;//设置跳过 } } leafArea.mMaxLayer = layer; } //根据层级获取type,这里只对特殊的APPLICATION_LAYER和TYPE_INPUT_METHOD有特殊,其他都是LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS private static int typeOfLayer(WindowManagerPolicy policy, int layer) { if (layer == APPLICATION_LAYER) { return LEAF_TYPE_TASK_CONTAINERS; } else if (layer == policy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) || layer == policy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG)) { return LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS; } else { return LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS; } } private void addTaskDisplayAreasToApplicationLayer(PendingArea parentPendingArea) { final int count = mTaskDisplayAreas.size();//这里一般等于1 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { PendingArea leafArea = new PendingArea(null , APPLICATION_LAYER, parentPendingArea);//创建新的APPLICATION_LAYER的PendingArea,并挂载到parentPendingArea下面 leafArea.mExisting = mTaskDisplayAreas.get(i);//和前面IME一样把容器设置进去 leafArea.mMaxLayer = APPLICATION_LAYER;//设置最大Layer parentPendingArea.mChildren.add(leafArea);//添加为父节点的孩子 } } }
root.computeMaxLayer();//会计算出每个节点最大layer值 // We built a tree of PendingAreas above with all the necessary info to represent the // hierarchy, now create and attach real DisplayAreas to the root. root.instantiateChildren(mRoot, displayAreaForLayer, 0, featureAreas);//这里会对把PendingArea生成DisplayArea,这里的参数mRoot就是我们的DisplayContent,root是Root:0:0这个PendingArea
这里重点看看 root.instantiateChildren(mRoot, displayAreaForLayer, 0, featureAreas);
void instantiateChildren(DisplayArea<DisplayArea> parent, DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer,912 int level, Map<Feature, List<DisplayArea<WindowContainer>>> areas) {913 mChildren.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(pendingArea -> pendingArea.mMinLayer));914 for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) {915 final PendingArea child = mChildren.get(i);916 final DisplayArea area = child.createArea(parent, areaForLayer); //这里可能create出来为null情况,比如前面说的ImeContainer,和DefaultTaskDisplayArea917 if (area == null) {918 // TaskDisplayArea and ImeContainer can be set at different hierarchy, so it can919 // be null.920 continue;921 }922 parent.addChild(area, WindowContainer.POSITION_TOP);//把返回的area设置为Child923 if (child.mFeature != null) {924 areas.get(child.mFeature).add(area);//同时也放入一下Feature集合925 }926 child.instantiateChildren(area, areaForLayer, level + 1, areas);//迭代子节点927 }928 }929 930 @Nullable931 private DisplayArea createArea(DisplayArea<DisplayArea> parent,932 DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer) {933 if (mExisting != null) {//Ime和DefaultTaskDisplayArea可以进入,针对已经存在mExisting直接使用它返回934 if (mExisting.asTokens() != null) {//判断是否属于Tokens类型,其实就是ImeContainer935 // Store the WindowToken container for layers936 fillAreaForLayers(mExisting.asTokens(), areaForLayer);//给对应覆盖的层级都需要赋值为mExisting937 }938 return mExisting;//返回之前设置的939 }940 if (mSkipTokens) {//如果被设置了跳过的直接返回null941 return null;942 }943 DisplayArea.Type type;944 if (mMinLayer > APPLICATION_LAYER) {945 type = DisplayArea.Type.ABOVE_TASKS;946 } else if (mMaxLayer < APPLICATION_LAYER) {947 type = DisplayArea.Type.BELOW_TASKS;948 } else {949 type = DisplayArea.Type.ANY;950 }951 if (mFeature == null) {952 final DisplayArea.Tokens leaf = new DisplayArea.Tokens(parent.mWmService, type,953 "Leaf:" + mMinLayer + ":" + mMaxLayer);//构造对应Tokens954 fillAreaForLayers(leaf, areaForLayer);//给对应覆盖的层级都需要赋值为leaf955 return leaf;956 } else {957 return mFeature.mNewDisplayAreaSupplier.create(parent.mWmService, type,958 mFeature.mName + ":" + mMinLayer + ":" + mMaxLayer, mFeature.mId);//这里一般是构造对应DisplayArea959 }960 }
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