环境:ClickHouse:,Python: 3.6.8
1、Mysql Engine
ClickHouse本身支持通过选择Engine 来远程连接Mysql来访问Mysql的数据
1.1 语法
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster]( name1 [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1] [TTL expr1], name2 [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2] [TTL expr2], ...) ENGINE = MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password'[, replace_query, 'on_duplicate_clause'])SETTINGS [ connection_pool_size=16, ] [ connection_max_tries=3, ] [ connection_wait_timeout=5, ] [ connection_auto_close=true, ] [ connect_timeout=10, ] [ read_write_timeout=300 ];
1.2 参数详解
host:port— MySQL 服务器地址。database— 远程数据库名称。table— 远程表名。user— MySQL 用户。password- 用户密码。replace_query— 将INSERT INTO查询转换为REPLACE INTO. 如果replace_query=1,则查询被替换。on_duplicate_clause—ON DUPLICATE KEY on_duplicate_clause添加到INSERT查询的表达式。示例:INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('a', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1,哪里on_duplicate_clause是UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1。请参阅MySQL 文档以查找on_duplicate_clause可以与该ON DUPLICATE KEY子句一起使用的内容。要指定on_duplicate_clause您需要传递0给replace_query参数。如果同时传递replace_query = 1和on_duplicate_clause,ClickHouse 会生成异常。WHERE诸如此类的简单子句=, !=, >, >=, <, <=在 MySQL 服务器上执行。
1.3 示列
1.3.1 创建Mysql Engine 表
CREATE TABLE db_adp.mysql_table( `float_nullable` Nullable(Float32), `int_id` Int32)ENGINE = MySQL('localhost:3306', 'db_adp', 'mysql_table', 'reader', '123456')
1.3.2 写入历史数据到结果表中
INSERT INTO db_adp.sink_table SELECT `float_nullable`,`int_id`,FROMdb_adp.mysql_table
1.4 补充
更多有关于Mysql Engine 可参考官网:MySQL | ClickHouse Docs
2、Mysql Function
Mysql Function 的功能跟Engine 选择 Mysql 不太一样,ClickHouse 把桥接的方式封装成了一个Function方式,不需要再单独建立一张外表就能像使用Sum(),Max() 等函数一样直接使用
mysql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password'[, replace_query, 'on_duplicate_clause'])
2.2、 参数详解
host:port— MySQL 服务器地址。database— 远程数据库名称。table— 远程表名。user— MySQL 用户。password- 用户密码。replace_query— 将INSERT INTO查询转换为REPLACE INTO. 可能的值:0- 查询执行为INSERT INTO.1- 查询执行为REPLACE INTO.on_duplicate_clause—ON DUPLICATE KEY on_duplicate_clause添加到INSERT查询的表达式。只能指定 with replace_query = 0(如果同时传递replace_query = 1and on_duplicate_clause,ClickHouse 会产生异常)。例子:INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('a', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1;on_duplicate_clause这是UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1。请参阅 MySQL 文档以查找on_duplicate_clause可以与该ON DUPLICATE KEY子句一起使用的内容。当前在 MySQL 服务器上执行的简单WHERE子句,例如。=, !=, >, >=, <, <=其余条件和LIMIT采样约束只有在对 MySQL 的查询完成后才会在 ClickHouse 中执行。支持必须由 列出的多个副本|。例如:SELECT name FROM mysql(`mysql{1|2|3}:3306`, 'mysql_database', 'mysql_table', 'user', 'password');或者SELECT name FROM mysql(`mysql1:3306|mysql2:3306|mysql3:3306`, 'mysql_database', 'mysql_table', 'user', 'password');
2.3 示例
2.3.1 写入结果表中
INSERT INTO db_adp.sink_table SELECT `float_nullable`,`int_id`,FROMmysql('localhost:3306', 'db_adp', 'mysql_table', 'reader', '123456')
更多有关于Mysql Function 可参考官网:mysql | ClickHouse Docs
该工具是Altinity 开源的一个可以通过增量/全量将Mysql 的数据导入到ClickHouse 中的实用python工具,下面我们来实践一下(python 版本至少3.4+)
3.1 PyPi安装
3.1.1 Mysql 存储库
sudo yum install -y https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-11.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install -y epel-release
3.1.2 ClickHouse-Client
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/altinity/clickhouse/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
sudo yum install -y clickhouse-client
3.1.3 依赖包
sudo yum install -y mysql-community-devel
sudo yum install -y mariadb-devel
sudo yum install -y gcc
sudo yum install -y python34-devel python34-pip
3.1.4 初始化Data Reader
sudo pip3 install clickhouse-mysql
3.1.5 检验是否安装成功
[user@localhost ~]$ which clickhouse-mysql/usr/bin/clickhouse-mysql
/usr/bin/clickhouse-mysql --install
3.1.6 设置Mysql 账号权限
[mysqld]# mandatoryserver-id = 1log_bin = /var/lib/mysql/bin.logbinlog-format = row # very important if you want to receive write, update and delete row events# optionalexpire_logs_days = 30max_binlog_size = 768M# setup listen addressbind-address =
3.2 建对应的ClickHouse表
3.2.1 查看Mysql 表结构
show create table db_adp_rt.dws_game_product_online_h;
CREATE TABLE `dws_game_product_online_h` ( `statdate` bigint(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '统计时间,精确到小时,2020081316', `game_id_jf` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '经分游戏ID', `game_id_o2` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'O2游戏ID', `data_type` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '统计口径字段 1 - 染色,2 - 渠道,3 - 染色且渠道', `game_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '游戏名称', `agent_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '代投方ID, 0 - 未知', `agent_name` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '代投方名称', `media_type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '9' COMMENT '媒体类型', `media_resource_type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '20' COMMENT '媒体内容类型', `med_platform_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '20' COMMENT 'o2的媒体类型; --通过media_id关联', `media_id` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '媒体ID', `media_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '媒体名称', `plat_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '平台: 0 - IOS, 1 - 安卓, 3 - PC, 4 - 网页, 255 - 全平台, -1 - 未知', `plat_name` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '平台名称', `impression_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '曝光PV', `click_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '点击PV', `api_impression_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'api拉取的曝光PV', `api_click_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'api拉取的点击PV', `activation_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '激活数PV', `activation_user_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '激活用户数UV,按照deviceid_md5去重', `register_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '新进PV', `register_user_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '新进UV(按照openid去重)', `role_creation_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创角PV', `role_creation_user_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创角UV(按照openid去重)', `backflow_30day_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '月回流PV', `backflow_30day_user_num` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '月回流UV', `register_pay_num_today` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '今日新进用户付费PV', `register_pay_user_num_today` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '今日新进用户付费UV', `register_pay_amount_today` double DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '今日新进用户付费金额,单位:分', `register_pay_num_30day` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '过去30天的新进用户在当天的付费PV', `register_pay_user_num_30day` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '过去30天的新进用户在当天的付费UV(按照openid去重)', `register_pay_amount_30day` double DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '过去30天的新进用户在当天的付费金额,单位:分', `backflow_pay_num_today` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '今日月回流用户付费PV', `backflow_pay_user_num_today` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '今日月回流用户付费UV(按照openid去重)', `backflow_pay_amount_today` double DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '今日月回流用户付费金额,单位:分', `backflow_pay_num_30day` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '过去30天的月回流用户在当天的付费PV', `backflow_pay_user_num_30day` bigint(15) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '过去30天的月回流用户在当天的付费UV(按照openid去重)', `backflow_pay_amount_30day` double DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '过去30天的月回流用户在当天的付费金额,单位:分', `site_set_id` bigint(15) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '广告版位id,腾讯广告中的site_id,头条广告中的CSITE', `billing_type` int(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '出价结算类型:1:CPD,2:CPM,3:CPC,4:CPA', `update_time` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', UNIQUE KEY `statis_hour` (`statdate`,`game_id_o2`,`data_type`,`media_id`,`plat_id`,`site_set_id`,`billing_type`), KEY `idx_gameid_hour` (`game_id_o2`,`statdate`)) ENGINE=TokuDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin COMMENT='实时归因三口径迭代_产品(染渠+染色+渠道)'
3.2.2 转换为ClickHouse 表
MySQL | ClickHouse |
TINYINT | Int8 |
SMALLINT | Int16 |
BIGINT | Int64 |
FLOAT | Float32 |
DOUBLE | Float64 |
DATE | Date |
BINARY | FixedString |
CREATE TABLE db_adp.dws_game_product_online_h( `statdate` Int32 COMMENT '统计时间,精确到小时,2020081316', `game_id_jf` String COMMENT '经分游戏ID', `game_id_o2` Int32 COMMENT 'O2游戏ID', `data_type` UInt8 COMMENT '统计口径字段 0 - 统一,1 - 染色,2 - 渠道,3 - 染色且渠道', `game_name` String COMMENT '游戏名称', `agent_id` Int32 COMMENT '代投方ID, 0 - 未知', `agent_name` String COMMENT '代投方名称', `media_type` UInt16 DEFAULT 9 COMMENT '媒体类型', `med_platform_id` UInt16 DEFAULT 20 COMMENT 'o2的媒体类型; --通过media_id关联', `media_id` Int32 COMMENT '媒体ID', `media_name` String COMMENT '媒体名称', `plat_id` UInt8 COMMENT '平台: 0 - IOS, 1 - 安卓, 3 - PC, 4 - 网页, 255 - 全平台, -1 - 未知', `plat_name` String COMMENT '平台名称', `cost` Float64 DEFAULT 0. COMMENT 'RTB 消耗单位:分', `impression_num` UInt64 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '曝光PV', `click_num` UInt64 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '点击PV', `activation_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '激活数PV', `activation_user_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '激活用户数UV,按照deviceid_md5去重', `register_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '新进PV', `register_user_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '新进UV(按照openid去重)', `role_creation_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '创角PV', `role_creation_user_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '创角UV(按照openid去重)', `backflow_30day_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '月回流PV', `backflow_30day_user_num` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '月回流UV', `register_pay_num_today` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '今日新进用户付费PV', `register_pay_user_num_today` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '今日新进用户付费UV', `register_pay_amount_today` Float64 DEFAULT 0. COMMENT '今日新进用户付费金额,单位:分', `register_pay_num_30day` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '过去30天的新进用户在当天的付费PV', `register_pay_user_num_30day` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '过去30天的新进用户在当天的付费UV(按照openid去重)', `register_pay_amount_30day` Float64 DEFAULT 0. COMMENT '过去30天的新进用户在当天的付费金额,单位:分', `backflow_pay_num_today` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '今日月回流用户付费PV', `backflow_pay_user_num_today` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '今日月回流用户付费UV(按照openid去重)', `backflow_pay_amount_today` Float64 DEFAULT 0. COMMENT '今日月回流用户付费金额,单位:分', `backflow_pay_num_30day` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '过去30天的月回流用户在当天的付费PV', `backflow_pay_user_num_30day` UInt32 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '过去30天的月回流用户在当天的付费UV(按照openid去重)', `backflow_pay_amount_30day` Float64 DEFAULT 0. COMMENT '过去30天的月回流用户在当天的付费金额,单位:分', `update_time` DateTime COMMENT '更新时间')ENGINE = TinyLog
3.3 数据导入
clickhouse-mysql \ --class="lazy" data-src-host= \ --class="lazy" data-src-user=reader \ --class="lazy" data-src-password=123456 \ --class="lazy" data-src-table=db_adp.dws_game_product_online_h --table-migrate \ --dst-host= \ --dst-table=db_adp.dws_game_product_online_h \ --csvpool
3.3.1 更多的参数可参考下面的解释
usage: clickhouse-mysql [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--nice-pause NICE_PAUSE] [--dry] [--daemon] [--pid-file PID_FILE] [--binlog-position-file BINLOG_POSITION_FILE] [--mempool] [--mempool-max-events-num MEMPOOL_MAX_EVENTS_NUM] [--mempool-max-rows-num MEMPOOL_MAX_ROWS_NUM] [--mempool-max-flush-interval MEMPOOL_MAX_FLUSH_INTERVAL] [--csvpool] [--csvpool-file-path-prefix CSVPOOL_FILE_PATH_PREFIX] [--csvpool-keep-files] [--create-table-sql-template] [--create-table-sql] [--with-create-database] [--create-table-json-template] [--migrate-table] [--pump-data] [--install] [--class="lazy" data-src-server-id class="lazy" data-src_SERVER_ID] [--class="lazy" data-src-host class="lazy" data-src_HOST] [--class="lazy" data-src-port class="lazy" data-src_PORT] [--class="lazy" data-src-user class="lazy" data-src_USER] [--class="lazy" data-src-password class="lazy" data-src_PASSWORD] [--class="lazy" data-src-schemas class="lazy" data-src_SCHEMAS] [--class="lazy" data-src-tables class="lazy" data-src_TABLES] [--class="lazy" data-src-tables-where-clauses class="lazy" data-src_TABLES_WHERE_CLAUSES] [--class="lazy" data-src-tables-prefixes class="lazy" data-src_TABLES_PREFIXES] [--class="lazy" data-src-wait] [--class="lazy" data-src-resume] [--class="lazy" data-src-binlog-file class="lazy" data-src_BINLOG_FILE] [--class="lazy" data-src-binlog-position class="lazy" data-src_BINLOG_POSITION] [--class="lazy" data-src-file class="lazy" data-src_FILE] [--dst-file DST_FILE] [--dst-host DST_HOST] [--dst-port DST_PORT] [--dst-user DST_USER] [--dst-password DST_PASSWORD] [--dst-schema DST_SCHEMA] [--dst-distribute] [--dst-cluster DST_CLUSTER] [--dst-table DST_TABLE] [--dst-table-prefix DST_TABLE_PREFIX] [--dst-create-table] [--column-default-value [COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE [COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE ...]]] [--column-skip [COLUMN_SKIP [COLUMN_SKIP ...]]] [--ch-converter-file CH_CONVERTER_FILE] [--ch-converter-class CH_CONVERTER_CLASS]ClickHouse data readeroptional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --config-file CONFIG_FILE Path to config file. Default - not specified --log-file LOG_FILE Path to log file. Default - not specified --log-level LOG_LEVEL Log Level. Default - NOTSET --nice-pause NICE_PAUSE Make specified (in sec) pause between attempts to read binlog stream --dry Dry mode - do not do anything that can harm. Useful for debugging. --daemon Daemon mode - go to background. --pid-file PID_FILE Pid file to be used by the app in daemon mode --binlog-position-file BINLOG_POSITION_FILE File to write binlog position to during bin log reading and to read position from on start --mempool Cache data in mem. --mempool-max-events-num MEMPOOL_MAX_EVENTS_NUM Max events number to pool - triggering pool flush --mempool-max-rows-num MEMPOOL_MAX_ROWS_NUM Max rows number to pool - triggering pool flush --mempool-max-flush-interval MEMPOOL_MAX_FLUSH_INTERVAL Max seconds number between pool flushes --csvpool Cache data in CSV pool files on disk. Requires memory pooling, thus enables --mempool even if it is not explicitly specified --csvpool-file-path-prefix CSVPOOL_FILE_PATH_PREFIX File path prefix to CSV pool files --csvpool-keep-files Keep CSV pool files. Useful for debugging --create-table-sql-template Prepare CREATE TABLE SQL template(s). --create-table-sql Prepare CREATE TABLE SQL statement(s). --with-create-database Prepend each CREATE TABLE SQL statement(s) with CREATE DATABASE statement --create-table-json-template Prepare CREATE TABLE template(s) as JSON. Useful for IPC --migrate-table Migrate table(s). Copy existing data from MySQL table(s) with SELECT statement. Binlog is not read during this procedure - just copy data from the class="lazy" data-src table(s). IMPORTANT!. Target table has to be created in ClickHouse or it has to be created with --dst- create-table and possibly with --with-create-database options. See --create-table-sql-template and --create- table-sql options for additional info. --pump-data Pump data from MySQL binlog into ClickHouse. Copy rows from binlog until the end of binlog reached. When end of binlog reached, process ends. Use in combination with --class="lazy" data-src-wait in case would like to continue and wait for new rows after end of binlog reached --install Install service file(s) --class="lazy" data-src-server-id class="lazy" data-src_SERVER_ID Set server_id to be used when reading date from MySQL class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: 1 --class="lazy" data-src-host class="lazy" data-src_HOST Host to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: --class="lazy" data-src-port class="lazy" data-src_PORT Port to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: 3306 --class="lazy" data-src-user class="lazy" data-src_USER Username to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: root --class="lazy" data-src-password class="lazy" data-src_PASSWORD Password to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: qwerty --class="lazy" data-src-schemas class="lazy" data-src_SCHEMAS Comma-separated list of databases (a.k.a schemas) to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: db1,db2,db3 --class="lazy" data-src-tables class="lazy" data-src_TABLES Comma-separated list of tables to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Ex.: table1,table2,table3Ex.: db1.table1,db2.table2,db3.table3Ex.: table1,db2.table2,table3 --class="lazy" data-src-tables-where-clauses class="lazy" data-src_TABLES_WHERE_CLAUSES Comma-separated list of WHERE clauses for tables to be migrated. Ex.: db1.t1="a=1 and b=2",db2.t2="c=3 and k=4". Accepts both (comma-separated) clause (useful for short clauses) or file where clause is located (useful for long clauses) --class="lazy" data-src-tables-prefixes class="lazy" data-src_TABLES_PREFIXES Comma-separated list of table prefixes to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src.Useful when we need to process unknown-in-advance tables, say day-named log tables, as log_2017_12_27Ex.: mylog_,anotherlog_,extralog_3 --class="lazy" data-src-wait Wait indefinitely for new records to come. --class="lazy" data-src-resume Resume reading from previous position. Previous position is read from `binlog-position-file` --class="lazy" data-src-binlog-file class="lazy" data-src_BINLOG_FILE Binlog file to be used to read from class="lazy" data-src. Related to `binlog-position-file`. Ex.: mysql-bin.000024 --class="lazy" data-src-binlog-position class="lazy" data-src_BINLOG_POSITION Binlog position to be used when reading from class="lazy" data-src. Related to `binlog-position-file`. Ex.: 5703 --class="lazy" data-src-file class="lazy" data-src_FILE Source file to read data from. CSV --dst-file DST_FILE Target file to be used when writing data. CSV --dst-host DST_HOST Host to be used when writing to dst. Ex.: --dst-port DST_PORT Port to be used when writing to dst. Ex.: 9000 --dst-user DST_USER Username to be used when writing to dst. Ex: default --dst-password DST_PASSWORD Password to be used when writing to dst. Ex.: qwerty --dst-schema DST_SCHEMA Database (a.k.a schema) to be used to create tables in ClickHouse. It overwrites source database(s) name(s), so tables in ClickHouse would be located in differently named db than in MySQL. Ex.: db1 --dst-distribute Whether to add distribute table --dst-cluster DST_CLUSTER Cluster to be used when writing to dst. Ex.: cluster1 --dst-table DST_TABLE Table to be used when writing to dst. Ex.: table1 --dst-table-prefix DST_TABLE_PREFIX Prefix to be used when creating dst table. Ex.: copy_table_ --dst-create-table Prepare and run CREATE TABLE SQL statement(s). --column-default-value [COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE [COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE ...]] Set of key=value pairs for columns default values. Ex.: date_1=2000-01-01 timestamp_1=2002-01-01\ 01:02:03 --column-skip [COLUMN_SKIP [COLUMN_SKIP ...]] Set of column names to skip. Ex.: column1 column2 --ch-converter-file CH_CONVERTER_FILE Filename where to search for CH converter class --ch-converter-class CH_CONVERTER_CLASS Converter class name in --ch-converter-file file
官网上说使用pypy 性能上能提升10倍,大家也可以尝试下:Performance
Upload a CSV File
Insert Local Files
操作难易 | 数据大小(GB) | 时长(s) | 支持增量 | |
Mysql Engine | 比较易 | 3.64 | 57.261 | 否 |
Mysql Function | 易 | 3.64 | 39.634 | 否 |
Altinity | 首次需安装,以后使用易 | 3.64 | 24.2 | 是 |
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