mysql sum求和怎么使用
本篇内容主要讲解“mysql sum求和怎么使用”,感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习“mysql sum求和怎么使用”吧!
mysql sum求和的方法:1、通过“select sum(value) as value from table where user_id”方式实现单一求和;2、通过嵌套语句多条件求和,语法如“(select sum(value) from table where type = 6 and type_son = 1) as xj0”。
MySQL SUM() 带条件的求和方法与多条件的求和方法
select sum(value) as value from table where user_id = 1 and type = 6 and type_son = 2
value 为求和的字段。
as 后面是 sum 求和后给它一个名称。
(select sum(value) from table where type = 6 and type_son = 1) as xj0,
(select sum(value) from table where type = 6 and type_son = 2) as xj1,
(select sum(value) from table where type = 3 and type_son = 3) as xj2,
(select sum(value) from table where type = 4 and type_son = 3) as xj3
from table where user_id = 1 limit 0,1
as 后面是 sum 求和后给它一个名称,这样就不会冲突。
三、与第二个一样,但是不采取语句嵌套的方式求和,而是使用 sum 判断求和。
sum(IF(type = 6 and type_son = 1,value,NULL)) as xj0,
sum(IF(type = 6 and type_son = 2,value,NULL)) as xj1,
sum(IF(type = 3 and type_son = 0,value,NULL)) as xj2,
sum(IF(type = 4 and type_son = 3,value,NULL)) as xj3
from table where user_id = 1
sum(IF('条件判断','求和的字段','NULL不计算')) as '别名'
YII 2.0 使用 SUM 求和
$v['alls_bonus'] = AccountingLog::find()
sum( IF(type = 6 and type_son = 1,value,NULL) ) as xj0,
sum( IF(type = 6 and type_son = 4,value,NULL) ) as xj1,
sum( IF(type = 8 and type_son = 4,value,NULL) ) as xj2,
sum( IF(type = 3 and type_son = 1,value,NULL) ) as xj3
注意要在 select 里面加 ["sum........"],否则会报错
到此,相信大家对“mysql sum求和怎么使用”有了更深的了解,不妨来实际操作一番吧!这里是亿速云网站,更多相关内容可以进入相关频道进行查询,关注我们,继续学习!
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