ORA-16817: unsynchronized fast-start failover configuration ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理
ORA-16817: unsynchronized fast-start failover configuration
Cause: The fast-start failover target standby database was not synchronized with the primary database. As a result, a fast-start failover could not happen automatically in case of a primary database failure.
Action: Ensure that the fast-start failover target standby database is running and that the primary database can ship redo data to it. When the standby database has received all of the redo data from the primary database, the primary and standby databases will then be synchronized. The Data Guard configuration may then fail over automatically to the standby database in the event of loss of the primary database.
ORA-16817 错误信息指出了 fast-start failover (FSFO ) 配置不同步,FSFO 没有在每节点进行正确的配置及同步。
1.确保每个节点上都正确安装FSFO 组件,例如 MRL 进程;
2.检查数据库状态是否为 Archivo Log 模式;
3.检查现有的FSFO 配置是否正确;
4.使用Oracle RAC 中的应急可用性管理脚本 (EVM) 来检查及修复 FSFO 配置的不同步问题;
5.使用Fast-Start Failover Configuration Assistant (FRACA) 来检查并重新配置FSFO。
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