Oracle 安装执行./runInstaller 提示SEVERE: [FATAL] web01: web01
RHEL 6.4 上安装oracle 11g
安装刚开始,马上报一个SEVERE: [FATAL]web01: web01的错误,点确定后就退出安装了。
INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: Setting value for the property:configcmds in the bean:configcmdmappings
SEVERE: [FATAL] web01: web01.
Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.util.exception.DefaultErrorAdvisor:37
INFO: Advice is ABORT
SEVERE: Unconditional Exit
INFO: Adding ExitStatus FAILURE to the exit status set
INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application
再检查/etc/hosts 文件,发现这个文件没有添加主机与ip地址的对应内容.
编辑/etc/hosts,增加一下内容,安装可以顺利进行了. web01
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