Windows GUI自动化控制工具之python uiAutomation
对 Windows GUI进行自动化控制的工具有很多,比如pywinauto、pyautogui、pywin32、Autoit、airtest、UIAutomation等,UI Automation API是微软提供的自动化框架,可在支持 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 的所有操作系统上使用,支持的应用类型更多。本文介绍封装了UI Automation API的Python uiautomation 模块的使用方法。
Python uiautomation 模块由yinkaisheng 开发,封装了微软 UI Automation API,支持自动化Win32,MFC,WPF,Modern UI(Metro UI), Qt, IE, Firefox, Chrome和基于Electron开发的应用程序。
最新版uiautomation2.0只支持Python 3版本,但不要使用3.7.6和3.8.1这两个版本,因为comtypes包在这两个版本中不能正常工作。
$ pip install uiautomation
$ pip list | findstr uiautomationuiautomation 2.0.18
安装完成后,在Python的Scripts(我的路径为C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts)目录中会有一个文件,是用来枚举控件树结构的一个脚本。
可运行 -h
$ python -hUIAutomation 2.0.18 (Python 3.7.2, 64 bit)usage-h show command help-t delay time, default 3 seconds, begin to enumerate after Value seconds, this must be an integer you can delay a few seconds and make a window active so automation can enumerate the active window-d enumerate tree depth, this must be an integer, if it is null, enumerate the whole tree-r enumerate from root:Desktop window, if it is null, enumerate from foreground window-f enumerate from focused control, if it is null, enumerate from foreground window-c enumerate the control under cursor, if depth is < 0, enumerate from its ancestor up to depth-a show ancestors of the control under cursor-n show control full name, if it is null, show first 30 characters of control's name in console, always show full name in log file @AutomationLog.txt-p show process id of controlsif UnicodeError or LookupError occurred when printing,try to change the active code page of console window by using chcp or see the log file @AutomationLog.txtchcp, get current active code pagechcp 936, set active code page to gbkchcp 65001, set active code page to -t3 -r -d1 -m -c -t3
对 Windows GUI进行自动化控制需要使用进程查看器工具对GUI界面元素进行定位,定位工具有很多,这里推荐使用微软提供的inspect.exe 或者 Accessibility Insights 这两款工具。
inspect.exe 是 Windows SDK 自带的一个进程查看器,可以用来查看系统正在运行的进程信息、模块、线程、堆栈跟踪等详细数据。
Windows SDK下载地址为:
Accessibility Insights
Accessibility Insights 是微软开发的一款辅助功能测试工具。它可以帮助开发者测试 web 应用、Windows 桌面应用和 Android 应用的可访问性,确保这些应用程序符合无障碍标准。
Accessibility Insights获取的控件属性信息没有inspect.exe全面,使用起来更加流畅。下载为:
微软 UIAutomation API定义了支持的控件类型和对应的模型(Pattern),所有支持的控件类型可参考:
控件类型 | 必须支持的模型 | 可选模型 | Does not support |
Button | None | ExpandCollapse, Invoke, Toggle, Value | None |
Calendar | Grid, Table | Scroll, Selection | Value |
CheckBox | Toggle | None | None |
Edit | None | RangeValue, Text, Value | None |
List | None | Grid, MultipleView, Scroll, Selection | Table |
ListItem | SelectionItem | CustomNavigation, ExpandCollapse, GridItem, Invoke, ScrollItem, Toggle, Value | None |
Menu | None | None | None |
MenuBar | None | Dock, ExpandCollapse, Transform | None |
MenuItem | None | ExpandCollapse, Invoke, SelectionItem, Toggle | None |
RadioButton | SelectionItem | None | Toggle |
SplitButton | ExpandCollapse, Invoke | None | None |
Tab | Selection | Scroll | None |
TabItem | SelectionItem | None | Invoke |
Table | Grid, GridItem, Table, TableItem | None | None |
Text | None | GridItem, TableItem, Text | Value |
TitleBar | None | None | None |
ToolBar | None | Dock, ExpandCollapse, Transform | None |
python uiautomation库对UIAutomation API定义的各个Control和Pattern进行了封装。
下面来看使用python uiautomation操作Windows自带计算器的例子。
import osimport uiautomation as autoimport subprocessclass uiautoCalc(Loggers): """uiautomation控制计算器 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.logger = Loggers().myLogger() auto.uiautomation.DEBUG_SEARCH_TIME =True auto.uiautomation.SetGlobalSearchTimeout(2) # 设置全局搜索超时时间 self.calcWindow = auto.WindowControl(searchDepth=1, Name='计算器', desc='计算器窗口') # 计算器窗口 if not self.calcWindow.Exists(0,0): subprocess.Popen('calc')# 设置窗口前置 self.calcWindow = auto.WindowControl( searchDepth=1, Name='计算器', desc='计算器窗口') self.calcWindow.SetActive() # 激活窗口 self.calcWindow.SetTopmost(True) # 设置为顶层 def gotoScientific(self): self.calcWindow.ButtonControl(AutomationId='TogglePaneButton', desc='打开导航').Click(waitTime=0.01) self.calcWindow.ListItemControl(AutomationId='Scientific', desc='选择科学计算器').Click(waitTime=0.01) clearButton = self.calcWindow.ButtonControl(AutomationId='clearEntryButton', desc='点击CE清空输入') if clearButton.Exists(0,0): clearButton.Click(waitTime=0) else: self.calcWindow.ButtonControl(AutomationId='clearButton', desc='点击C清空输入').Click(waitTime=0.01) def getKeyControl(self): automationId2key ={'num0Button':'0','num1Button':'1','num2Button':'2','num3Button':'3','num4Button':'4','num5Button':'5','num6Button':'6','num7Button':'7','num8Button':'8','num9Button':'9','decimalSeparatorButton':'.','plusButton':'+','minusButton':'-','multiplyButton':'*','divideButton':'/','equalButton':'=','openParenthesisButton':'(','closeParenthesisButton':')'} calckeys = self.calcWindow.GroupControl(ClassName='LandmarkTarget') keyControl ={} for control, depth in auto.WalkControl(calckeys, maxDepth=3): if control.AutomationId in automationId2key: keyControl[automationId2key[control.AutomationId]]= control return keyControl def calculate(self, expression, keyControl): expression =''.join(expression.split()) if not expression.endswith('='): expression +='=' for char in expression: keyControl[char].Click(waitTime=0) self.calcWindow.SendKeys('{Ctrl}c', waitTime=0.1) return auto.GetClipboardText() def calc_demo(self): """计算器示例 :return : """ self.gotoScientific() # 选择科学计算器 keyControl = self.getKeyControl() # 获取按键控件 result = self.calculate('(1 + 2 - 3) * 4 / 5.6 - 7', keyControl) print('(1 + 2 - 3) * 4 / 5.6 - 7 =', result) self.calcWindow.CaptureToImage('calc.png', x=7, y=0, width=-14, height=-7) # 截图 self.calcWindow.GetWindowPattern().Close() # 关闭计算机if __name__ == "__main__": ui = uiautoCalc() ui.calc_demo()
Python UIAutomation文档:
GitHub - mhammond/pywin32: Python for Windows (pywin32) Extensions
Accessibility tools - Inspect - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
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