重设3COM-3C857 ADSL密码的
短信预约 -IT技能 免费直播动态提醒
公司有台3COM-3C857 的ADSL ,现在忘记了管理登陆密码,无法登陆管理了,想要重新Reset下,找了半天都没有发现重设按钮,原本这种老古董应该换新的了,可老板认为还可以用,让我想办法重新找回密码!无奈遍查资料,功夫不负有心人,终于让我在一家国外的网站找到了解决方法!先分享一下!红色字体为本人译文!
Forgotten The System Password --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you've not set a System password before, the unit will accept the default password
"admin". Remember that all passwords are case sensitive. If you've changed the System password but cannot remember it, then the following procedure can be used to reset the whole unit back to the fact | |
1. Unplug the power, and remove the all cables from the gateway.
2. Using an RJ45 cable, connect the gateway's Cable/DSL port to one of the LAN ports.
3. Apply power to the unit
4. The Alert LED will start to flash. Wait until the flash rate changes to 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off, continuously.
5. Unplug the power and re-connect your network as before.
6. Apply power.
7. The unit will now | |
the default IP address of and subnet mask of You should now follow the steps in the Installation Guide to re-install your gateway |
如果你之前没有设置密码,下面的步骤将会将密码设置默认的”admin”. 注意密码
1. 拔掉电源线,并且将设备上所有线缆全部拔掉
2. 将RJ45的网线连接到设备的Cable/DSL 接口上
3. 接上电源线为设备通上电
4. 注意警示灯将要闪烁,等到警示灯闪烁频率为亮2秒,暗2秒的时候,拔掉电源线
5. 将设备向原来一样接入网络
6. 接上电源线,为设备通电
7. 重设成功,此时设备的默认IP地址为: ,子网掩码为:
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