作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei
import this
该彩蛋的文档记录于PEP 20。
语句执行之后,终端将显示一首"The Zen of Python"的诗,即“Python之道”。这首诗总结了Python的风格,可以指导Python程序员的编程。Python程序员会自豪宣称自己"Pythonic"。Pythonic的一个基本标准,是写出合乎“Python之道”的代码。
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.显示胜于隐式。
Simple is better than complex.简单胜于复杂。
Complex is better than complicated.复杂胜于过度复杂。
Flat is better than nested.平面胜于嵌套。
Sparse is better than dense.稀少胜于稠密。
Readability counts.可读性需要考虑。
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.即使情况特殊,也不应打破原则,
Although practicality beats purity.尽管实用胜于纯净。
Errors should never pass silently.错误不应悄无声息的通过,
Unless explicitly silenced.除非特意这么做。
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.当有混淆时,拒绝猜测(深入的搞明白问题)。
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.总有一个,且(理想情况下)只有一个,明显的方法来处理问题。
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.尽管那个方法可能并不明显,除非你是荷兰人。(Python的作者Guido是荷兰人,这是在致敬)
Now is better than never.现在开始胜过永远不开始,
Although never is often better than *right* now.尽管永远不开始经常比仓促立即开始好。
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.如果程序实现很难解释,那么它是个坏主意。
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.如果程序实现很容易解释,那么它可能是个好主意。
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!命名空间是个绝好的主意,让我们多利用它。
Tim Peters于June 4, 1999的Python邮件列表,以"The Python Way"为标题,发表了“Python之道”,得到许多Python程序员的认同。另一方面,2001年的International Python Conference #10 (IPC10, IPC是PyCon的前身)会议,主办方希望在文化衫上印标语,而这一标语要能代表Python文化。到会的Python程序员们创作了500多条。组织者选了"import this"。后来,Python的作者Guido增加了this.py模块,让这个语句可以在解释器中执行,打印“Python之道”。
用字典this.d解密后就是The Zen of Python
1 import this
2 a = this.s
3 b = this.d
4 c = ''
5 print('=================1====================')
6 print(a)
7 print('=================2====================')
8 print(b)
9 for i in a :
10 temp = i
11 if i.isalpha() :
12 temp = b[i]
13 c = c + temp
14 print('=================3====================')
15 print(c)