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1. Which of the following expression is Illegal?
O A.['12.56'] * 7
O B. int(7.4)+7.4
O C.['a','b','c']-['a']
O D.str(1.32)*5考查:列表,整数,字符串的运算规则
a = [1, 2, 3]b = [4, 5, 6]c = a + b # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
a = [1, 2, 3]b = a * 3 # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
2.Function defining
Please define a function which can find out the all multiples of 3 (3的倍数) from 0 to nand return the sum of those mutiples.
Header of the function:
例如:def acc_three(n):
n is larger than 3 and smaller than 1000
def acc_three(n): sum = 0 for i in range (3,n+1): if i % 3 == 0: sum += i return sum#👇为后台系统调用检查结果print(acc_three(1000))->166833
3.Using Function Recursion(函数递归) to Find the Sum of 1-100
def f(n): if n == 1: #递归结束条件 return 1 else: return n+f(n-1) #递归公式print(f(100))#5050
4.Please read through the block carefully and finish the following tasks:Q1. output the average Python score of three students.Q2. Define a List to store the First name of all students.
Remember to copy this code to your answer. All you need to do is to write your
code under each condition below.
student_dict = { "Kendrick Ray": { "Math": 60, "English": 45, "Python": 60 }, "Jhon Rick":{ "Math": 90, "English": 95, "Python": 70 }, "Stephen Curry":{ "Math": 80, "English": 90, "Python": 50 }}sign = input()if sign == "avg":# py_sum = 0 for stu in student_dict: py_sum = py_sum + student_dict[stu]["Python"] print(py_sum / 3)#elif sign == "name":# name_list =[] #创建一个空列表接收name for stu in student_dict: #遍历字典里面的字典 stu_list = stu.split(" ") #使用split内置函数切割每个小字典的名字,并保存在新的列表stu_list中 name_list.append(stu_list[0]) #将新列表对应的name取出来储存在一个刚刚创建的空列表里 print(name_list)#
# Output predictionif 0: print("1")elif 1-1.0: print("2")else: print("3")
z = -87.7e100print(type(z))#结果:float
for x in range(28,31,3): print(x)# 28
fruits = ["apple","banana","cherry"]for x in fruits: for y in x: if x == "banana": break print(y)#a#p#p#l#e#c#h#e#r#r#y
上面两个for循环,x是取到列表里面的元素,y是取得元素的每个字母,虽然它break跳出了离他最近的内循环,但由于print的是y,所以能够取到 apple 和 cherry.
dict1 ={"brand": "Ford","model": "Mustang","year": 1964,"price": 20000}print(dict1["model"][4])print(len(dict1))#a#4
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